The course is comparable to an assessment, but the emphasis is clearly on examining the competencies, talents, the qualities and the potential for certain positions, with a view to further growth._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The development needs also come up. Already during the development center, the participant receives regular feedback on his performance.

Depending on the question, elements from the different methodologies are used in the coaching sessions, which have already proven their worth. Our coaches have knowledge of these models and have built up expertise in at least one domain. Our executive coaches have built up expertise in at least two domains.

Together with fellow coaches/trainers Anna and Dorian from the Embodied Change Institute, we have developed a vaccine, a basic training with two shots, , in which we make people aware of their profile and their values on the one hand.
This way they know whether they run an increased risk of burnout. During the second vaccination shot, we teach skills that make people better able to stand up for their values and learn to use other solutions so that they can prevent burnout.

In team coaching we are mainly concerned with the following questions:
“What is the undercurrent here? How do I formulate learning questions for this team? Who is in charge here? How can I help this group communicate better? How do I help them dispel the mistrust? Which unconscious systems are being maintained here?”
We coach and guide teams in an effective and result-oriented way and invite them to develop further in terms of communication, effectiveness with less effort and towards sustainable success in collaboration. Team coaching programs vary from specific and targeted interventions to setting up an annual program.
References in the field of team coaching are available on request, both at operational and management level.